Hello Thomas,

> C99 states it will always be zero terminated IIRC.
> So this is not a real issue.

I think it is save to snprintf() to short buffers, as long as you don't
rely on the return value for length calculations.

> - Return value of snprintf() is the number of bytes that would
>   have been written -if- the destination buffer is not big enough.
>   See also: http://lwn.net/Articles/69419/
>   A quick grep showed that
>   libstrongswan/plugins/pem/pem_encoder.c
>   seems to be affected. What do you think?

While it is probably no good practice in pem_encoder.c, it seems to be
safe, because the buffer size is calculated:

> *encoding = chunk_alloc(5 + 2*(6 + strlen(label) + 6) + 3 + pem_chars + 
> pem_lines);

So I don't think it is a real issue (and "label" usually does not come
from untrusted sources, but is hardcoded).

We had exactly that snprintf() flaw in older releases, see [1]. We
carefully reviewed the code for such misuses and fixed [2], [3] and [4].

But of course such input is always welcome, thanks!



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