Hi Ken,

> 09[DMN] thread 9 received 11
> 09[LIB]  dumping 2 stack frame addresses:
> 09[LIB]   /lib64/libpthread.so.0 @ 0x7fb8fd3ab000 [0x7fb8fd3ba710]
> 09[LIB]     -> sigaction.c:0
> 09[LIB]   /lib64/libc.so.6 @ 0x7fb8fce13000 [0x7fb8fd1a2ed8]
> 09[LIB]     -> interp.c:0
> 09[DMN] killing ourself, received critical signal

Hard to say what exactly causes this, the backtrace does not provide
much information. Unlikely that this is actually raised from interp.c.

> Is there any other data I could retrieve?  If I rerun the test, is
> there any other debugging to enable?

A sane backtrace from gdb could certainly help. Either make sure to
create a core file on crashes for later evaluation, or attach a debugger
to charon while it is running.


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