Hi Lakshmi,

SHA-256 was implemented incorrectly for ESP with a 96 bit instead
of the standard 128 bit truncation in Linux kernels older than


1) Update to a kernel >= 2.6.33 (2.6.21 is ancient!)

2) If you run strongSwan on both VPN end points you can select the
   incorrect non-standard 96 bit truncation size by configuring


   In order for this non-standard algorithm ID to be accepted it might
   also be necessary to activate the sending of the strongSwan vendor id
   by setting

   charon {
     send_vendor_id = yes

   in /etc/strongswan.conf



On 12.08.2016 03:04, Lakshmi Prasanna wrote:

Need urgent help.

When I try to use strongswan with SHA256, I see that the negotiation
fails at child SA creation time. I am using
    strongSwan 5.1.3, Linux 2.6.21 version). Following is the log:

arsed CREATE_CHILD_SA response 4 [ N(USE_TRANSP) SA No TSi TSr ]

received netlink error: Invalid argument (22)

unable to add SAD entry with SPI c28f19c1

received netlink error: Invalid argument (22)

unable to add SAD entry with SPI c088894f

unable to install inbound and outbound IPsec SA (SAD) in kernel

failed to establish CHILD_SA, keeping IKE_SA

sending DELETE for ESP CHILD_SA with SPI c28f19c1

I have already tried the changes mentioned in
and it doesnt seem to work.

Is there any other fix for this issue?



Andreas Steffen                         andreas.stef...@strongswan.org
strongSwan - the Open Source VPN Solution!          www.strongswan.org
Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
CH-8640 Rapperswil (Switzerland)

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