
You need 4in6 support for ESP in the kernel.

Kind regards


On 11.08.2017 07:07, Sandesh Sawant wrote:
> I am using Strongswan-5.5.2 with 4.4 Linux Kernel on two Debian systems. ESP 
> tunnel establishment works as expected between two IPv4 endpoints. But ESP 
> tunnel establishment between two IPv6 endpoints and observed following errors 
> in strongswan logs during Quick Mode:
> --------------------------------------
> charon:  [authpriv.info <http://authpriv.info>] 14[NET] 
> <2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24|1> received packet: from 
> 2020::20[500] to 2020::10[500] (444 bytes)
> charon:  [authpriv.info <http://authpriv.info>] 14[ENC] 
> <2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24|1> parsed QUICK_MODE response 
> 1674824392 [ HASH SA No KE ID ID ]
> charon:  [authpriv.info <http://authpriv.info>] 14[KNL] 
> <2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24|1> received netlink error: Protocol 
> not supported (93)
> charon:  [authpriv.info <http://authpriv.info>] 14[KNL] 
> <2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24|1> unable to add SAD entry with SPI 
> cb0cdfda
> charon:  [authpriv.info <http://authpriv.info>] 14[KNL] 
> <2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24|1> received netlink error: Protocol 
> not supported (93)
> charon:  [authpriv.info <http://authpriv.info>] 14[KNL] 
> <2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24|1> unable to add SAD entry with SPI 
> c1205b7d
> charon:  [authpriv.info <http://authpriv.info>] 14[IKE] 
> <2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24|1> unable to install inbound and 
> outbound IPsec SA (SAD) in kernel
> --------------------------------------
> here is the output of ipsec statusall:
> Status of IKE charon daemon (strongSwan 5.5.2, Linux 4.4.57, x86_64):
>   uptime: 20 minutes, since Aug 10 12:01:39 2017
>   malloc: sbrk 1480032, mmap 0, used 345280, free 1134752
>   worker threads: 11 of 16 idle, 5/0/0/0 working, job queue: 0/0/0/0, 
> scheduled: 3
>   loaded plugins: charon aes des rc2 sha2 sha1 md5 random nonce x509 
> revocation constraints pubkey pkcs1 pkcs7 pkcs8 pkcs12 pgp dnskey sshkey pem 
> openssl fips-prf xcbc cmac hmac attr kernel-netlink resolve socket-default 
> stroke vici updown xauth-generic
> Listening IP addresses:
>   2020::10
> Connections:
> 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24:  2020::10...2020::20  IKEv1, 
> dpddelay=30s
> 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24:   local:  [2020::10] uses pre-shared 
> key authentication
> 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24:   remote: [2020::20] uses pre-shared 
> key authentication
> 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24:   child: 
> <> === <> TUNNEL, 
> dpdaction=restart
> Routed Connections:
> 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24{1}:  ROUTED, TUNNEL, reqid 1
> 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24{1}: <> 
> === <>
> Security Associations (1 up, 0 connecting):
> 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24[1]: ESTABLISHED 20 minutes ago, 
> 2020::10[2020::10]...2020::20[2020::20]
> 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24[1]: IKEv1 SPIs: 23b31ae851f9bddb_i* 
> bd1fcbc1681eb3ca_r, pre-shared key reauthentication in 7 hours
> 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24[1]: IKE proposal: 
> --------------------------------------
> ipsec.conf contents (peer contents are matching):
> conn %default
>         ikelifetime = 28800s
>         type = tunnel
>         lifetime = 3600s
>         dpddelay = 30
>         dpdaction = restart
> conn 2020::10_4.4.4.0/24-2020::20_3.3.3.0/24
>         left=2020::10
>         leftid=2020::10
>         rightid=2020::20
>         leftsubnet= <>
>         right=2020::20
>         rightsubnet= <>
>         authby=secret
>         keyexchange = ikev1
>         auto = start
>         fragmentation = yes
>         esp=aes128-sha1-modp2048
>         ike=aes128-sha1-modp2048!
> --------------------------------------
> From the logs it looks like the required XFRM modules related to IPv6 support 
> are not pre-loaded by strongSwan.
> Therefore I manually loaded the missing kernel modules related to XFRM6 viz. 
> ah6, esp6, ipcomp6, xfrm6_tunnel, xfrm6_mode_tunnel, xfrm6_mode_transport, 
> ip6_tunnel. However it didn't result in success of IPv6 SA download.
> Finally I built all the features recommended at 
> https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/KernelModules as 
> statically-linked in kernel instead of as modules, and then the IPv6 SA 
> download was successful with the new kernel.
> This makes me think auto-loading of Ipv6 related xfrm modules is missing in 
> strongSwan. I found the following lines in it's source file 
> src/starter/netkey.c
> ...
>     /* make sure that all required IPsec modules are loaded */
>     if (stat(PROC_MODULES, &stb) == 0)
>     {
>         ignore_result(system("modprobe -qv ah4"));
>         ignore_result(system("modprobe -qv esp4"));
>         ignore_result(system("modprobe -qv ipcomp"));
>         ignore_result(system("modprobe -qv xfrm4_tunnel"));
>         ignore_result(system("modprobe -qv xfrm_user"));
>      } 
> ...
> Shouldn't it be doing modprobe for ipv6 related xfrm modules? 
> Can someone point out the exact modules required to be loaded so that IPv6 SA 
> download by charon succeeds. 
> Thanks & regards,
> Sandesh Sawant

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