On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 11:33:05PM -0600, Dave Schmidt wrote:
> This is what I see in my terminal after 'sudo ipsec up test3' starting
> after IKE phase 1:
> XAuth authentication of '<userid>' (myself) successful
> IKE_SA TEST3[1] established between
> scheduling reauthentication in 27855s
> maximum IKE_SA lifetime 28395s
> generating TRANSACTION response 1072426005 [ HASH CPA(X_STATUS) ]
> sending packet: from[4500] to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[4500] (76 bytes)
> assigning new lease to 'yyyyyyy'
> assigning virtual IP to peer 'yyyyyyy'
> generating TRANSACTION request 420617457 [ HASH CPS(ADDR) ]
> sending packet: from[4500] to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[4500] (76 bytes)
> received packet: from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[4500] to[4500] (92 bytes)
> parsed INFORMATIONAL_V1 request 2093927451 [ HASH D ]
> received DELETE for IKE_SA TEST3[1]

I'm not sure, but it looks like strongswan is (trying to) assign an modecfg IP
to the peer (which thinks of itself as a "server" and expects to be the one
doing the assigning).

Do you need to set modecfg=pull? 

> If necessary I can share my ipsec.conf file.
I assume this would help.


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