
I can't help with the more technical portions of your query, but I can confirm 
that using auto=route has proven to be more reliable than auto=start, as a 
dropped tunnel seems more likely to be brought back up automatically.

I had asked specifically about that setting a few years ago, and this is the 
advice I received:


> On Mar 7, 2018, at 1:53 AM, Martijn Grendelman <> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been running StrongSwan on Debian Wheezy (with StrongSwan 4.5.2)
> for a long time. We have about 70 ESP tunnels with 19 different
> endpoints, most of them IKEv1. The setup has been rock solid for years,
> with tunnel outages being extremely rare, and almost always the remote
> side's fault.
> Last week, I upgraded the system to Debian Stretch (with StrongSwan
> 5.5.1), and since then, a number of tunnels (but not all of them) have
> stability issues. The issue appears to be that CHILD_SA's are not
> established when needed, or they disappear after some time. I haven't
> really discovered a pattern, and I'm a bit overwhelmed by Charon's
> logging output at higher levels. The problems are restricted to IKEv1
> connections, IKEv2 connections seem unaffected. There don't seem to be
> any issues establishing IKE SAs.
> Since I didn't make any changes to the configuration in the course of
> the upgrade, I can imagine that my config is not up to the standards of
> version 5. I pasted relevant parts of my config below. Are there things
> that can be improved?
> I am sorry I can't be more concrete. I am mostly looking for pointers on
> how to solve the issues.
> If I want to know why a CHILD_SA is not established, what logging
> settings should I use? I'd like some pointers to what kind of messages
> to look for, and at what level from which subsystem they would be
> logged. Currently, I have this:
>         /var/log/charon.log {
>             time_format = %b %e %T
>             ike_name = yes
>             append = yes
>             default = 1
>             cfg = 4
>             net = 0
>             flush_line = yes
>         }
> The problem is, that with 70 tunnels, raising the default log level
> higher than 1 leads to A LOT of logging (GBs / day) which quickly
> becomes hard to digest.
> Here are my 'default' config and some config samples for connections
> that suffer from these problems. The example describes two tunnels to
> the same endpoint. Only 'leftsubnet' differs. In total, there are 16
> tunnels to this endpoint, all sharing the same IKE SA. They only differ
> in left- and rightsubnet. Does this make sense?
> conn %default
>         ikelifetime=8h
>         keylife=1h
>         rekeymargin=9m
>         authby=secret
>         keyexchange=ikev2
>         mobike=no
>         auto=start
>         leftfirewall=no
>         lefthostaccess=no
>         closeaction=restart
>         dpdaction=restart
>         keyingtries=%forever
> conn hq_uk_b4a
>         left=<left ip>
>         leftsubnet=
>         right=<right ip>
>         rightsubnet=
>         ike=aes256-sha1-modp1024
>         esp=aes256-sha1-modp1024
>         keyexchange=ikev1
>         ikelifetime=8h
> conn hq_uk_b4b
>         left=<left ip>
>         leftsubnet=
>         right=<right ip>
>         rightsubnet=
>         ike=aes256-sha1-modp1024
>         esp=aes256-sha1-modp1024
>         keyexchange=ikev1
>         ikelifetime=8h
> Hoping for some useful pointers...
> Best regards,
> Martijn Grendelman.

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