Hi Mike,

> I hope you mean the ipsec.conf only:
> Ipsec.conf:
> config setup
>         charondebug="cfg 2, dmn 1, ike 1, net 1, job 0"
> conn %default
>         keyexchange=ikev2
>         ike=aes256-sha256-modp2048,aes256-sha1-modp2048!
>         esp=aes256-sha256-modp2048,aes256-sha1-modp2048!
>         leftauth=pubkey-sha256
>         rightauth=pubkey-sha256

There you go.  If you require the client authentication to use SHA-256,
but don't actually configure your client to use SHA-256 (the default
depends on the key size) you get exactly the error message you saw.

>         dpdaction=clear
>         dpddelay=300s
>         rekey=yes
>         left=%any
>         leftsubnet=
>         right=%any
>         lifetime=24h
>         ikelifetime=168h
>         compress=yes
> ca %default
>   certuribase=http://hashandurl.gto1-ref.service-ti.de/
> ca GEM.VPNK-CA27
>   cacert = GEM_VPNK-CA27TEST-ONLY.pem
>   auto=add
> ca GEM.RCA2
>   cacert = GEM.RCA2.der
>   auto=add
> conn RU1-TI
>            keyexchange=ikev2
>            left=vpn1-ti.gto1-ref.service-ti.de
>            leftcert=vpn1-ti.gto1-refCert.pem
>            leftid="C=DE, O=Arvato Systems GmbH TEST-ONLY - NOT-VALID, 
> CN=vpn1-ti.gto1-ref.service-ti.de"
>            leftfirewall=yes
>            right=%any
>            rightsourceip=
>            auto=add


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