hello all:
    My ipsec tunnel can't established by a traffic.
    I configured a ikev2 , net-to-net, psk, i can use "ipsec up" command to 
establish tunnel, but it can't established by a coming traffic, of course, the 
ttraffic can match the rule.

the network:

# ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file

# basic configuration

config setup
# strictcrlpolicy=yes
# uniqueids = no

# Add connections here.

conn %default

conn nat-t

# ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file

# basic configuration

config setup
# strictcrlpolicy=yes
# uniqueids = no

# Add connections here.

conn %default

conn nat-t

[client and server :strongswan.conf]
# /etc/strongswan.conf - strongSwan configuration file

charon {
    # two defined file loggers
    filelog {
        /var/log/charon.log {
            time_format = %b %e %T
            ike_name = yes
            append = no
            default = 2
            flush_line = yes
        stderr {
            # more detailed loglevel for a specific subsystem, overriding the
            # default loglevel.
            ike = 2
            knl = 3
            chd = 2
            esp = 2
            job = 2
            lib = 2
            mgr = 2
            net = 2
    # and two loggers using syslog
    syslog {
        identifier = charon-custom
        daemon {
        auth {
            default = -1
            ike = 0
        load_modular = yes
        duplicheck.enable = no
        compress = yes
        port = 0
        port_nat_t = 0
        install_routes = yes
        plugins {
                include strongswan.d/charon/*.conf
        dns1 =
        nbns1 =
include strongswan.d/*.conf

ipsec start

ipsec statusall
[root@epcaas-client ~]# ipsec statusall
Status of IKE charon daemon (strongSwan 5.6.2, Linux 
3.10.0-693.11.1.el7.x86_64, x86_64):
  uptime: 57 seconds, since May 25 11:46:38 2018
  malloc: sbrk 1351680, mmap 0, used 281552, free 1070128
  worker threads: 7 of 16 idle, 5/0/4/0 working, job queue: 0/0/0/0, scheduled: 0
  loaded plugins: charon aes des rc2 sha2 sha1 md5 random nonce x509 revocation 
constraints pubkey pkcs1 pkcs7 pkcs8 pkcs12 pgp dnskey sshkey pem fips-prf 
curve25519 xcbc cmac hmac attr kernel-libipsec kernel-netlink resolve 
socket-default stroke vici updown xauth-generic radattr counters
Listening IP addresses:
       nat-t:  IKEv2, dpddelay=10s
       nat-t:   local:  [] uses pre-shared key authentication
       nat-t:   remote: [] uses pre-shared key authentication
       nat-t:   child: === TUNNEL, 
Routed Connections:
       nat-t{1}:  ROUTED, TUNNEL, reqid 1
       nat-t{1}: ===
Security Associations (0 up, 0 connecting):
at pc command
ping from

May 25 11:46:38 00[DMN] Starting IKE charon daemon (strongSwan 5.6.2, Linux 
3.10.0-693.11.1.el7.x86_64, x86_64)
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'aes': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'des': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'rc2': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'sha2': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'sha1': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'md5': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'random': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'nonce': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'x509': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'revocation': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'constraints': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'pubkey': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'pkcs1': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'pkcs7': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'pkcs8': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'pkcs12': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'pgp': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'dnskey': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'sshkey': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'pem': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'fips-prf': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'curve25519': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'xcbc': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'cmac': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'hmac': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG] loaded legacy entry attribute INTERNAL_IP4_DNS: 
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG] loaded legacy entry attribute INTERNAL_IP4_NBNS: 
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'attr': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] created TUN device: ipsec0
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'kernel-libipsec': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'kernel-pfkey': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'kernel-netlink': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'resolve': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'socket-default': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'stroke': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'vici': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'updown': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'xauth-generic': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'radattr': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] plugin 'counters': loaded successfully
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature CUSTOM:kernel-ipsec in plugin 'kernel-pfkey' 
failed to load
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature CUSTOM:kernel-ipsec in plugin 'kernel-netlink' 
failed to load
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL] known interfaces and IP addresses:
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]   lo
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]     ::1
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]   eth0
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]     fe80::f816:3eff:fe32:c093
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]   eth1
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]     fe80::f816:3eff:fed6:573a
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]   eth2
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]     fe80::f816:3eff:fe77:5cc6
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]   ipsec0
May 25 11:46:38 00[KNL]     fe80::dda:9afd:25a6:e916
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature PUBKEY:ECDSA in plugin 'pem' has unmet 
dependency: PUBKEY:ECDSA
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature PUBKEY:BLISS in plugin 'pem' has unmet 
dependency: PUBKEY:BLISS
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature PUBKEY:DSA in plugin 'pem' has unmet 
dependency: PUBKEY:DSA
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature PRIVKEY:DSA in plugin 'pem' has unmet 
dependency: PRIVKEY:DSA
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature PRIVKEY:BLISS in plugin 'pem' has unmet 
dependency: PRIVKEY:BLISS
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature CERT_DECODE:OCSP_REQUEST in plugin 'pem' has 
unmet dependency: CERT_DECODE:OCSP_REQUEST
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature PRF:PRF_CAMELLIA128_XCBC in plugin 'xcbc' has 
unmet dependency: CRYPTER:CAMELLIA_CBC-16
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] feature SIGNER:CAMELLIA_XCBC_96 in plugin 'xcbc' has 
unmet dependency: CRYPTER:CAMELLIA_CBC-16
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG] loading ca certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts'
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG] loading aa certificates from '/etc/ipsec.d/aacerts'
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG] loading ocsp signer certificates from 
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG] loading attribute certificates from 
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG] loading crls from '/etc/ipsec.d/crls'
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG] loading secrets from '/etc/ipsec.secrets'
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG]   loaded IKE secret for
May 25 11:46:38 00[CFG] expanding file expression '/etc/ipsec.*.secrets' failed
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] unloading plugin 'kernel-pfkey' without loaded features
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] loaded plugins: charon aes des rc2 sha2 sha1 md5 random 
nonce x509 revocation constraints pubkey pkcs1 pkcs7 pkcs8 pkcs12 pgp dnskey 
sshkey pem fips-prf curve25519 xcbc cmac hmac attr kernel-libipsec 
kernel-netlink resolve socket-default stroke vici updown xauth-generic radattr 
May 25 11:46:38 00[LIB] unable to load 10 plugin features (8 due to unmet 
May 25 11:46:38 00[JOB] spawning 16 worker threads
May 25 11:46:38 01[LIB] created thread 01 [2687]
May 25 11:46:38 01[JOB] started worker thread 01
May 25 11:46:38 01[JOB] no events, waiting
May 25 11:46:38 02[LIB] created thread 02 [2689]
May 25 11:46:38 02[JOB] started worker thread 02
May 25 11:46:38 02[NET] waiting for data on sockets
May 25 11:46:38 03[LIB] created thread 03 [2690]
May 25 11:46:38 03[JOB] started worker thread 03
May 25 11:46:38 04[LIB] created thread 04 [2688]
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] started worker thread 04
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 4 fds
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher got notification, rebuilding
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 4 fds
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watched FD 16 ready to read
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 3 fds
May 25 11:46:38 05[LIB] created thread 05 [2684]
May 25 11:46:38 05[JOB] started worker thread 05
May 25 11:46:38 06[LIB] created thread 06 [2680]
May 25 11:46:38 06[JOB] started worker thread 06
May 25 11:46:38 07[LIB] created thread 07 [2676]
May 25 11:46:38 07[JOB] started worker thread 07
May 25 11:46:38 08[LIB] created thread 08 [2677]
May 25 11:46:38 08[JOB] started worker thread 08
May 25 11:46:38 09[LIB] created thread 09 [2678]
May 25 11:46:38 09[JOB] started worker thread 09
May 25 11:46:38 10[LIB] created thread 10 [2681]
May 25 11:46:38 10[JOB] started worker thread 10
May 25 11:46:38 11[LIB] created thread 11 [2682]
May 25 11:46:38 11[JOB] started worker thread 11
May 25 11:46:38 12[LIB] created thread 12 [2683]
May 25 11:46:38 12[JOB] started worker thread 12
May 25 11:46:38 13[LIB] created thread 13 [2686]
May 25 11:46:38 13[JOB] started worker thread 13
May 25 11:46:38 14[LIB] created thread 14 [2691]
May 25 11:46:38 14[JOB] started worker thread 14
May 25 11:46:38 15[LIB] created thread 15 [2679]
May 25 11:46:38 15[JOB] started worker thread 15
May 25 11:46:38 16[LIB] created thread 16 [2685]
May 25 11:46:38 16[JOB] started worker thread 16
May 25 11:46:38 07[ESP] no matching outbound IPsec policy for 
fe80::dda:9afd:25a6:e916 == ff02::2 [58]
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher got notification, rebuilding
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 4 fds
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watched FD 16 ready to read
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 3 fds
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher got notification, rebuilding
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 4 fds
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watched FD 19 ready to read
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 3 fds
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG] received stroke: add connection 'nat-t'
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG] conn nat-t
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   left=
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   leftsubnet=
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   leftauth=psk
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   leftupdown=ipsec _updown iptables
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   right=
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   rightsubnet=
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   rightauth=psk
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   dpddelay=10
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   dpdtimeout=150
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   dpdaction=1
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   sha256_96=no
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   mediation=no
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG]   keyexchange=ikev2
May 25 11:46:38 10[KNL] is not a local address or the interface is down
May 25 11:46:38 10[CFG] added configuration 'nat-t'
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher got notification, rebuilding
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 4 fds
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watched FD 19 ready to read
May 25 11:46:38 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 3 fds
May 25 11:46:38 12[CFG] received stroke: route 'nat-t'
May 25 11:46:38 12[CFG] proposing traffic selectors for us:
May 25 11:46:38 12[CFG]
May 25 11:46:38 12[CFG] proposing traffic selectors for other:
May 25 11:46:38 12[CFG]
May 25 11:46:38 12[CFG] configured proposals: 
May 25 11:46:38 12[ESP] adding policy === in
May 25 11:46:39 12[ESP] adding policy === out
May 25 11:46:39 12[KNL] getting a local address in traffic selector
May 25 11:46:39 12[KNL] using host
May 25 11:46:39 12[KNL] installing route: src dev 
May 25 11:46:39 12[KNL] getting iface index for ipsec0
May 25 11:46:39 12[CHD] CHILD_SA nat-t{1} state change: CREATED => ROUTED
May 25 11:46:39 04[JOB] watcher got notification, rebuilding
May 25 11:46:39 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 4 fds
May 25 11:46:39 04[JOB] watched FD 16 ready to read
May 25 11:46:39 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 3 fds
May 25 11:46:39 04[JOB] watcher got notification, rebuilding
May 25 11:46:39 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 4 fds
May 25 11:46:42 07[ESP] no matching outbound IPsec policy for 
fe80::dda:9afd:25a6:e916 == ff02::2 [58]
May 25 11:46:46 07[ESP] no matching outbound IPsec policy for 
fe80::dda:9afd:25a6:e916 == ff02::2 [58]
May 25 11:46:50 04[JOB] watched FD 19 ready to read
May 25 11:46:50 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 3 fds
May 25 11:46:50 15[CFG] proposing traffic selectors for us:
May 25 11:46:50 15[CFG]
May 25 11:46:50 15[CFG] proposing traffic selectors for other:
May 25 11:46:50 15[CFG]
May 25 11:46:50 04[JOB] watcher got notification, rebuilding
May 25 11:46:50 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 4 fds
May 25 11:47:35 04[JOB] watched FD 19 ready to read
May 25 11:47:35 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 3 fds
May 25 11:47:35 09[CFG] proposing traffic selectors for us:
May 25 11:47:35 09[CFG]
May 25 11:47:35 09[CFG] proposing traffic selectors for other:
May 25 11:47:35 09[CFG]
May 25 11:47:35 04[JOB] watcher got notification, rebuilding
May 25 11:47:35 04[JOB] watcher going to poll() 4 fds
May 25 11:53:10 07[ESP] could not find an outbound IPsec SA for reqid {1}, 
dropping packet
May 25 11:53:15 07[ESP] could not find an outbound IPsec SA for reqid {1}, 
dropping packet
May 25 11:53:20 07[ESP] could not find an outbound IPsec SA for reqid {1}, 
dropping packet
May 25 11:53:25 07[ESP] could not find an outbound IPsec SA for reqid {1}, 
dropping packet

the log show me "could not find an outbound IPsec SA for reqid {1}, dropping 
packet", but not "creating acquire job".

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