You say on [1] that "The native iOS and OS X clients are known to work fine 
with multiple authentication rounds.", yet I have the server configured with 
multiple rounds using xauth but OSX is only requesting EAP

connections {
  radius {
     version = 2
     send_cert = always
     encap = yes
     pools = pool1
     unique = replace
     proposals = aes256-sha256-prfsha256-ecp256-modp2048
     local {
        id = vpnserver
        certs = vpnserver.crt
     remote {
        auth = xauth-radius:passandcode
     children {
        net {
          local_ts =
eap-radius {
    load = yes
    accounting = yes
    nas_identifier = vpn-pod1
    servers {
        primary {
            address =  # TODO: change to DNS
            secret = KFdHr0sgw$kOfFgh  # /etc/freeradius/clients.conf
    xauth {
        passandcode {
            password = Please enter your Password:
            passcode = Please enter current authenticator token code:

10[CFG] selected peer config 'radius'
10[IKE] peer requested EAP, config inacceptable
10[CFG] no alternative config found
10[IKE] received ESP_TFC_PADDING_NOT_SUPPORTED, not using ESPv3 TFC padding
10[IKE] peer supports MOBIKE
10[ENC] generating IKE_AUTH response 1 [ N(AUTH_FAILED) ]


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