
at first, thank you very much for taking the time; it is highly appreciated.
>     Obviously the client proposal doesn't match what your server expect 
> regardless of what you think has changed or not changed.
>   To debug this better increase your logging level bu adding the following 
> under your config setup section:
> charondebug="ike 3, net 3, mgr 3, esp 3, chd 3, dmn 3, cfg 3"
>   That would allow you to see more information about the exchange.
Thank you very much for that hint. I'll remember next time ...

However, since I was absolutely sure that nobody at my client's site had 
changed their router's configuration, I have done further research. Among 
others, I have studied my /etc/strongswan.d/charon.conf again and came across a 
setting which looked highly suspicious to me:

signature_authentication_constraints = yes

Entering "signature_authentication_constraints" into Google immediately lead to 
this article:


After having read the second section of that article, I turned off the setting 
mentioned above (i.e. set it to no), and now it works as before.

So it seems that the issue didn't have anything to do with non-matching 
proposals, but with that setting, which seems to have been introduced (or seems 
to have been assigned another default value) with version 5.3.0. This explains 
why my old configuration with the old version 5.2.1 worked, but the same 
configuration with the new version 5.5.1 didn't.

While my urgent and immediate problem is solved now, I still have a hard time 
actually understanding what that article section is talking about. I would be 
grateful if somebody could explain the issue for people who are not full-time 
professional cryptographers. Specifically, I have not fully understood the 
following sentences yet:

"Key types and hash algorithms specified in rightauth are now also checked 
against IKEv2 signature schemes. If such constraints are used for certificate 
chain validation in existing configurations, in particular with peers that 
don't support RFC 7427, it may be necessary to disable this feature with the 
charon.signature_authentication_constraints setting, because the signature 
scheme used in classic IKEv2 public key authentication may not be strong 

I believe I have configured the strongest rightauth and leftauth scheme the 
router at the client's site supports, which probably is the strongest scheme 
commonly used with RSA (at least, I haven't heard of SHA768 or SHA1024 yet, or 
that SHA3 or RSA8192 are currently being supported by more than a few exotic 
router / VPN devices). Furthermore, when initially configuring the VPN between 
me and my client (about 2 years ago), I have newly created *all* certificates 
involved from scratch, using RSA 4096 and SHA-512.

So what exactly does StrongSwan (charon) expect here (i.e. what would it 
consider strong enough), and how do I configure it (in case I decide to 
re-enable signature_authentication_constraints)? A simple explanation would be 
very nice; otherwise, probably we (I assume that I am not the only person who 
hasn't fully understood that section) will have to study RFC 7427, which we'd 
like to avoid :-).

Thank you very much in advance,


> --Jafar
> On 08/18/2018 10:26 AM, Binarus wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am getting the error message mentioned above when trying to connect to
>> a client's site. Of course, I have tried to research if there already
>> has been a similar problem, and have found exactly one appropriate thread:
>> https://lists.strongswan.org/pipermail/users/2018-March/012351.html
>> Unfortunately, my situation is different; in my case, something else
>> seems to cause the problem. Having said this:
>> - It happened after the upgrade from Debian jessie (Debian 8) to Debian
>> stretch (Debian 9), i.e. after the upgrade from StrongSwan 5.2.1 to
>> StrongSwan 5.5.1)
>> - I definitely have copied the whole configuration (including
>> certificates and so on) from the old system to the new one (AFTER having
>> installed the new StrongSwan version in the new system). I have double
>> checked multiple times (applying different methods) that nothing is missing.
>> - With the old system, I definitely could connect to the client's site
>> without any problem with exact that configuration.
>> If it matters, the VPN Gateway at the client's side is a Lancom router
>> (I don't know the exact type, but it is newer one, and I am absolutely
>> sure that they didn't any changes to it while I was upgrading my system,
>> and to stress it again, the old system / StrongSwan version could
>> connect to that device without problems).
>> This is my /etc/ipsec.conf (sensitive data has been changed, and lines
>> which are commented out have been left away):
>> config setup
>> conn %default
>>    mobike=no
>> conn myclient
>>    ikelifetime=10800s
>>    keylife=3600s
>>    rekeymargin=9m
>>    keyingtries=1
>>    type=tunnel
>>    keyexchange=ikev2
>>    mobike=no
>>    ike=aes256-sha512-modp4096!
>>    esp=aes256-sha512-modp4096!
>>    left=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.hopto.org
>>    leftauth=rsa-4096-sha512
>>    leftid="/CN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.hopto.org"
>>    leftsubnet=
>>    leftfirewall=no
>>    leftcert=mycompany-client.crt
>>    right=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.zapto.org
>>    rightauth=rsa-4096-sha512
>>    rightid="/CN=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.zapto.org"
>>    rightsubnet=
>>    auto=add
>> This is the error message (sensitive data changed in the same way as
>> with ipsec.conf):
>> root@charon:/etc# /etc/init.d/ipsec restart
>> [ ok ] Restarting ipsec (via systemctl): ipsec.service.
>> root@charon:/etc# ipsec up myclient
>> initiating IKE_SA myclient[3] to
>> generating IKE_SA_INIT request 0 [ SA KE No N(NATD_S_IP) N(NATD_D_IP)
>> sending packet: from[500] to[500] (714 bytes)
>> received packet: from[500] to[500] (713 bytes)
>> parsed IKE_SA_INIT response 0 [ SA KE No N(NATD_S_IP) N(NATD_D_IP) CERTREQ ]
>> received 1 cert requests for an unknown ca
>> sending cert request for "CN=ca.clientsite.local"
>> authentication of 'CN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.hopto.org' (myself) with RSA
>> signature successful
>> sending end entity cert "CN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.hopto.org"
>> establishing CHILD_SA myclient
>> generating IKE_AUTH request 1 [ IDi CERT N(INIT_CONTACT) CERTREQ IDr
>> sending packet: from[500] to[500] (2048 bytes)
>> received packet: from[500] to[500] (1984 bytes)
>> parsed IKE_AUTH response 1 [ IDr CERT AUTH TSi TSr N(INIT_CONTACT) SA ]
>> received end entity cert "CN=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.zapto.org"
>>    using certificate "CN=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.zapto.org"
>>    using trusted ca certificate "CN=ca.clientsite.local"
>> checking certificate status of "CN=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.zapto.org"
>> certificate status is not available
>>    reached self-signed root ca with a path length of 0
>> authentication of 'CN=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.zapto.org' with RSA signature
>> successful
>> IKE signature scheme RSA_EMSA_PKCS1_SHA1 not acceptable
>> selected peer config 'myclient' inacceptable: constraint checking failed
>> no alternative config found
>> generating INFORMATIONAL request 2 [ N(AUTH_FAILED) ]
>> sending packet: from[500] to[500] (96 bytes)
>> establishing connection 'myclient' failed
>> root@charon:/etc#
>> Does anybody have an idea?
>> Thank you very much in advance,
>> Binarus

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