It is pretty hard for NetFlix to "understand" that you traffic goes via
some external server connected with VPN.

1) NetFlix has list of public VPN services. All of them are banned.
2) If you visited netflix website without of VPN, you may have cookies
installed and those cookies may contain your "real" country name. NetFlix
detects that it differs from your IP and bans you.
3) Virtual server / Cloud providers networks may be banned. If you connect
to netflix from Amazon AWS network, then netflix can be sure that you are
using vpn.

There could be more sophisticated heuristics, NetFlix never published
algorithms they are using.

вирусов. www.avg.com

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 12:16 AM Houman <hou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have setup a StrongSwan VPN server but when I try to watch Netflix over
> it, Netflix recognises that I'm using a VPN and doesn't play the movie.
> Is there any way to configure StrongSwan to avoid that? I did some
> research that the trick lies in the DNS rather than VPN.
> I'm still researching but if someone were so kind and advised me on this,
> please, I would really appreciate it.
> Many Thanks,

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