Hello again,

Is there a way to let Marmotta respond to a SPARQL request that I open with
a web browser with HTML that can be directly displayed in the web browser?

I am trying something like

{BASE}/marmotta/sparql?query=<my URL-encoded query>

The response is not rendered in the browser window, but downloaded as a
file to disk. The relevant response headers seem to be:

Content-Type: application/sparql-results+xml
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tuple.srx"

I think the &output parameter for the SPARQL websource can be used to
specify a response format, so I tried

{BASE}/marmotta/sparql?query=<my URL-encoded query>&output=html

Still the response is downloaded as a file, not displayed in the browser.
The relevant response headers seem to be:

Content-Type: text/html
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="tuple.html"

I guess the problem is the Content-Disposition response header, which says
the response is an attachment.

Is it possible to change something to make Marmotta return a response that
can be directly displayed in the browsers?


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