Hi Manuel,

I have tried same except "eclipse:eclipse" instead of "eclipse:m2eclipse"
which didn't work for me also :(

My humble findings are summarized in other message in this thread:

Please, could you post here example of file:
from your "app" and "lib" projects?

Are there in root of your projects some special files starting with period
(except .project and .classpath of course)? Eclipse plugin didn't make
these, but I have seen some in some projects on Google Code Search.

Thank you


Manuel Grau wrote:
Hi Martin,

My setup is similar to yours. Enter each appN folder and type this:

mvn -Dwtpversion=2.0 eclipse:m2eclipse

Is what I did and it works for me.

2010/2/1 Martin Schayna <martin.scha...@abra.eu>

Hi all,

we have pretty large project, successfully "mavenized" with Maven 2,
split into several module projects under one parent pom. We are using
m2eclipse plugin in Eclipse 3.5.

Project tree looks like:

parent/         (pom project)
 +-- lib-core/ (jar project)
 +-- lib-web/  (jar project, with shared webapp folder)
 +-- app1/     (war project)
 +-- app2/     (war project)
 +-- app3/     (war project)

parent project serves as agregator, its pom.xml defines common settings.
lib-web project depends on lib-core project, application projects depend
on both lib projects. All projects share same version, we are releasing
all applications at once through parent pom.

For everyday develepment we use SNAPSHOT postfix in version, dependecies
on module projects are specified as "project dependencies", so changes
in library projects in Eclipse cause rebuild dependent application
projects. Snapshots are disabled in our repository (Archiva).

But when I try setup WTP support through maven-eclipse-plugin goal
"eclipse:eclipse" and some necessary changes in Eclipse, publishing to
Tomcat creates only WEB-INF/lib folder with (correct) out-of-project
jar dependencies and WEB-INF/classes folder with CURRENT project
classes. No binaries from "project dependencies" lib-core and lib-web.

I have tried to change org.eclipse.wst.common.component file in many ways,
e.g. <dependent-module>, but without success.

Another weird thing: when I try to include resources from shared webapp
folder from lib-web project and use relative source-path like this:

  <wb-resource deploy-path="/"

publish can't copy subfolders content to Tomcat. Must explicitly specified:

  <wb-resource deploy-path="/btns"
  <wb-resource deploy-path="/icons"
  <wb-resource deploy-path="/imgs"

Please, what is the right WTP setup for multi modules configuration with
dependencies" and shared resources? Or is there any documentation for file

I'm going little bit crazy... thank God debugging with Jetty works like a
either with shared resources (must hack with
WebAppContext.setResourceBase() in
starter class).

Thanks a lot.

Martin Schayna

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