
There isn't one right answer. Expect to find lots of variants.

I use a naming convention. Unit tests end in plain-old vanilla Test,
and integration tests end in *ITest. I use a wildcard pattern with
Maven to exclude integration tests since they are long-running and
need less execution. I can enable those, however, using a Maven

Also see:


On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 5:34 AM, Thomas Sundberg <> wrote:
> Hi!
> This has been discussed previously. But I would like to ask the list
> again, how do you separate integrations test from unit tests in a
> Maven project?
> I define unit tests as being tests that will run in memory and not use
> any external resources. Anything external is mocked away. Everything
> will run in memory and as fast as possible.
> I define integration tests as tests that are dependent on other
> resources than the source code. This is (at least):
> * The file system
> * Databases
> * Network access
> Assume that we are dealing with a multi module build, how would you
> organize the modules? Would you consider adding a separate
> 'integration-test' tree next to main and test?
> /Thomas
> --
> Thomas Sundberg
> M. Sc. in Computer Science
> Mobile: +46 70 767 33 15
> Blog:
> Twitter: @thomassundberg
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