Sorry for the very late reply...

On 03/09/2011 07:16 PM, Daryl Lonnon wrote:

So effectively, each of the modules you wish to version separately, is
treated as it's own release. Then you have a separate release (the dep
module) that specifies dependency to all of your other modules.

Do each of your "sub" modules (the non dependency module) keep track of
their own versioning and dependencies?
We call these parts. They all have a parent pom with a dependencyManagement section which handles the versions of the dependencies (all sub-modules are also mentioned here). The dep module then uses these (import scope) to pull the dependencies versions together.

"mvn release" will handle tracking of the version of the module but not it's
dependencies (IIRC). How do you update those dependency versions before and
after a release (do you do it by hand)?
We don't do anything special. The version only needs to be changed in the dep module.

Do each of these modules have a common parent pom.xml (and do you track
dependencies in that)?
Each of the parts (which are the modules released together) have a parent pom which again has a global project parent.

Kind regards,

Right now, I'm thinking of writing a script that does a release, since I'm
not seeing an easy way to do it within the maven framework. But I'd love to
be shown how to make it work within that framework cleanly.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 6:00 AM, Joachim Van der Auwera<>wrote:

The way we handle this in the Geomajas project is for (sets of) modules to
have their own version and have one module (the -dep module) which only
contains a pom with dependencyManagement section which defines the latest
version of all modules (actually this pulls in the parent module for each
set of modules to assure all dependency versions contained in the
dependencyManagement of these modules are pulled in).

Hoping my explanation is somewhat understandable.

Kind regards,

On 03/09/2011 12:47 AM, Daryl Lonnon wrote:

Hi, hopefully someone can help me with this.

So I have a situation where I have a project with multiple sub-projects.
Some of the sub-projects depend on one another.

I'd like to version the sub-projects independently while still releasing
something that defines the project as a whole. Some of the sub-projects
associated resources files that can be quite large, so ideally you
have to re-release them if they haven't changed. Also it'd be nice if
a release, the development environment reverts back to the next versions

So my wish list looks like:
1. I'd like to version the sub projects independently.
2. I'd like to be able to release a "global" version which defines the set
of sub-projects that work with one another.
3. I'd like to not release sub-projects that haven't changed just to
a "global" version.
4. I'd like to have my development environment be cohesive after a release
(i.e. point to my local repositiories SNAPSHOTS for the sub-project

Has anyone ever tried to do something like this?

I've found:
but that scheme doesn't support wish 4 as far as I can tell.


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