No, you can have a mojo automatically invoked as soon as it is declared in
a pom. You must bind your mojo to a specific phase.


On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 10:48 PM, Andrew Eisenberg <> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Jeff MAURY <>
> wrote:
> > You can develop a Mojo that will do the trick but you will have to
> > configure it in you pom (at least define it so that it will be invoked)
> so
> > I don't see the added value compared to the build-helper-plugin
> Right. Well, the only benefit is that doing it through the mojo that I
> would create is about 6 fewer lines of configuration, which is not
> much benefit (and I actually did get this working, but I wasn't happy
> with the solution).  I must say that I am disappointed in maven that
> this is not possible.  I was expecting that mojos could somehow be
> executed implicitly just by referencing a plugin in your pom.  I'm
> sure there's a reason for not allowing this, but from my perspective
> allowing this would certainly cut down on some configuration
> verbosity.
> Thanks for your help with this.  I'll have to settle for the
> build-helper-maven-plugin approach.
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