Impress to see that you're claiming you personal priorities prevent you to
open a ticket on JIRA but allow you to write a mail including external
links !!!!
Stay focused


On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Joachim Durchholz <> wrote:

> Am 16.03.2013 11:54, schrieb Anders Hammar:
>  Jira would be an option, but unfortunately, my time is limited and I'll
>>> leave that to people who are already registered and know how to split up
>>> a
>>> report into meaningful, addressable chunks and file them under the right
>>> section.
>> I'm sorry Joachim, but I find that statement very offensive! Do you think
>> that other people's time is less valuable and that we don't have limited
>> time?
> You forgot the other part of the statement: People who have more
> experience with the Maven Jira would have to spend less of their time.
> Also, there's personal priorities. In fact you're just now trying to
> dictate my priorities by indicating that not adding a report to Jira is
> offensive to you.
> If you feel offended by that, you should probably readjust something.
> > A lot of people here has put in time answering your questions,
> Not to mention the abuse, evangelization, useless distractions, &cetera.
> So you're also trying a guilt trip on me...
> > but
>> you can't find some time to help improve the docs with the info that you
>> think is missing?
> Actually, there's also lack of interest.
> However, explaining the details behind that would indeed be offensive and
> (FAR more importantly) just reiterate well-known issues so I wouldn't help
> anybody with that.
> That's why I deleted that paragraph from my message.
> > It will help the next person (which could have been you
>> if someone before you had done this).
> Sorry, not buying that.
>  To me open source software is about everyone helping out.
> Sure. Go over to SymPy and help out there, that's a project that I have
> contributed to.
> Not your interest? How dare you!!!
> ;-P
> > The very least I
>> expect is for people to file tickets about bugs and improvements they
>> find.
>> No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!
> Let me say it with Anastacia:
> Somehow this list seems to be harboring a lot of people who like to tell
> me what to think, what to be grateful for, what the best structure for my
> project should be, and whom to acknowledge as ethically and technically
> superior.
> If find that... funny. Sort of.
> And patronizing.
> Regards,
> Jo
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