The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven *Project 
Info Reports Plugin, version 2.7*

The Maven Project Info Reports plugin is used to generate reports information 
about the project.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 2.7

** Bug
    * [MPIR-229] - The 'modules' report does not support 'url' elements using 
    * [MPIR-257] - English localization properties misplaced (i18n)
    * [MPIR-261] - Wrong URL for some CI home pages in resource bundles
    * [MPIR-264] - JDK Rev not determined when Maven 2 is building the site
    * [MPIR-266] - Subsequent runs of the dependencies report should always 
produce the same output if the input hasn't changed
    * [MPIR-272] - add support for Maven 3.1-A1/Eclipse Aether 0.9-M2 to 
dependencies report
    * [MPIR-275] - NPE in DependenciesReport

** Improvement
    * [MPIR-182] - Make order of reports shown in "Project Reports" configurable
    * [MPIR-232] - when packaging is pom, index report (About) should contain 
modules report content
    * [MPIR-258] - Missing english localization property for dependency-info 
    * [MPIR-259] - Add french localization for dependency-info
    * [MPIR-262] - Add support for 'report.cim.bamboo.intro' resource property
    * [MPIR-271] - GIT support in project-info-reports:scm
    * [MPIR-274] - Added translations and corrections to spanish resource 

** Task
    * [MPIR-276] - Upgrade to Doxia 1.4


-The Apache Maven team

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