with Compile on Save enabled, the test-compile phase should be skipped and
only surefire:test should be executed.

However even with that, there's overhead of jvm startup + maven startup
before the mojo gets executed. Obviously the overhead is biggest when you
run just a single test. Unfortunately not much that can be done here. We've
used to execute "Compile on Save" stuff with internal nb execution (via ant
in IDE-jvm) but the devil is in the detail there, it's not 100% exactly the
same execution as surefire. The current design decision is to be 100% equal
to what cmd line executes. The downside is speed.


On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Mirko Friedenhagen <mfriedenha...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I use Netbeans 7.4 as IDE and mostly like how it uses Maven to get stuff
> done. While it is nice that I do not encounter problems as I did with
> Eclipse when dealing with dependency scoping I am slowed down when running
> single test files or methods. Netbeans invokes "test-compile surefire:test
> -Dtest=...".
> Now even from the CLI it takes Maven some time to reach surefire:test. Even
> when I do not invoke test-compile 3 seconds are spent before surefire:test
> starts it's work and another 3 seconds afterwards.
> The tests of a single testcase themselves only take 0.3 seconds. With
> Eclipse or Intellij the execution happens in less than 1 second while with
> Maven or Netbeans this will take up to 10 seconds even in offline mode.
> Any hints for speeding up things would be appreciated (except of changing
> the IDE ;-)).
> Regards Mirko
> --
> Sent from my mobile

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