
I would like to know how to add a dependency (such as a jar) into the
project's list of compile time dependencies programmatically within a Mojo.
Benoit should probably have posted this in Maven Users rather than
Maven Dev, so I'm reposting here.

We are developing a Mojo that needs to add some dependencies into the
project list of compile time dependencies programmatically. I was sure
that I've seen code that did this, but I can't find it now. Can anyone
point us in the right direction?


---------------------- Benoit's original post ----------------------

I require to do this programmatically because the user set a dependency of
type "aar"(1) which itself contains a jar.
This jar needs to be known by the compile phase (in order to succeed)
Note: the compile phase knows about the aar dependency.

(1) Aar format:http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/aar-format

Other conversations:
About AAR & the included

Programmatically adding dependencies to a MavenProject: (this conversation
led to a hacky 

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