Lost battle imo.
Not sure there's a way to describe the difference between maven and gradle
in a way everyone would agree on...
Le 7 janv. 2014 03:42, "Ron Wheeler" <rwhee...@artifact-software.com> a
écrit :

> I am not sure that you want to start a range war in the opening paragraph.
> If there is a concise second or third sentence that clearly explains the
> difference between Ant and Maven, it would be a great idea to add that.
> If Gradle is likely to be in the running for a new developer, it might be
> interesting to have a sentence explaining the difference. Need to be
> careful not to turn off a new person by an obscure argument that does not
> address the decision points in a way that a new person would understand.
> Ron
> On 06/01/2014 4:33 PM, Stephen Connolly wrote:
>> I don't want a religious war. If Gradle or ANT are a better fit for the
>> way
>> some people think about building software... well good for them... and the
>> faster we can help them realise that Maven takes a different tack the
>> better.
>> I happen to believe that the power of Maven comes from being model driven
>> rather than procedural, which ultimately allows for a richer IDE
>> experience, but consequently you lose some flexibility in your build
>> process. It is a tradeoff I happen to like the Maven balance of, but I am
>> not so arrogant to presume that Maven's balance suits everyone.
>> The Maven repository has grown beyond just Maven, so that is no longer a
>> key differentiator for Maven.
>> The differentiator is in the declarative build rather than procedural
>> build...
>> With Ant you have a mostly pure procedural build.
>> With Maven you have a mostly pure declarative build.
>> With Gradle you have a hodge-podge mix of both.
>> (By declarative, I mean <packaging>jar</packaging> is all I need to
>> declare, maven knows how everything fits into that)
>> So let's let others go to the tools that suit their tastes, and the faster
>> that we help them there, the less bitching about how "Maven is crap
>> (because it doesn't suit my taste)" we will hear.
>> It's like marmite: you either love it or hate it!
>> On 6 January 2014 20:08, Russell Gold <russell.g...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>  Several sentences sounds good. But here’s another question. Comparing
>>> Maven to ant is almost too easy in terms of advantages. Is gradle now a
>>> serious competitor (I had been working on converting an enormous project
>>> to
>>> maven, but the architect decided to switch to gradle, so I am
>>> particularly
>>> sensitive to the issue). I can see some superficial advantages of gradle
>>> that might appeal to some projects. Is it better to ignore or address
>>> this?
>>> On Jan 6, 2014, at 3:02 PM, Stephen Connolly <
>>> stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  On Monday, 6 January 2014, Ron Wheeler wrote:
>>>>  I think that the target has to be people deciding whether to try Maven.
>>>>> They initially want to know what it does and why it is better than Ant
>>>> or
>>>> whatever they are using now.
>>>>> Trying to teach Maven in a single sentence is too much to ask.
>>>>> "Maven is a build tool which consumes and produces artifacts managed in
>>>> a
>>>> repository." doesn't sound like it will help build my application.
>>>>> At the start, one doesn't have any artifacts or own a repository.
>>>>> "Apache Maven is a convention-over-configuration build tool which has
>>>>> great dependency management features."
>>>> I think we should hint at the descriptive philosophy rather than the
>>>> procedural philosophy most tools take
>>>>  is pretty clear for a single sentence description and it true.
>>>>> Maybe we can come up with a follow-up sentence to amplify/explain this
>>>> one.
>>>> Most programmers or project managers should be able to find the time to
>>>>> read 2 or maybe 3 sentences before deciding on a build tool.
>>>>> As long as each sentence draws the person deeper into Maven, that would
>>>>> work.
>>>> Yes that is the idea
>>>>  Ron
>>>>> On 06/01/2014 12:57 PM, Russell Gold wrote:
>>>>>  Of course, you could say that about Gradle, too. And ant now does have
>>>>>> the ability to use those dependency features.
>>>>>> I went through this when creating my video course (not in the sig
>>>>> because
>>>> this is work email). It’s not clear to me that you can make a one
>>>>> sentence
>>>> description that will provide sufficiently useful information unless
>>>>>> something like:
>>>>>> "Maven is a build tool which consumes and produces artifacts managed
>>>>> in a
>>>> repository."
>>>>>> But that is not going to help people coming new to the project.
>>>>>> I think I am missing the motivation here.Is the target for this
>>>>>> description people deciding whether to try Maven? People trying to
>>>>> learn
>>>> how to use it?
>>>>>> On Jan 6, 2014, at 12:43 PM, Lyons, Roy <roy.ly...@cmegroup.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> on https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/New+Main+Site it
>>>>>>> says:
>>>>>>> We need a short and snappy description of what Maven is:
>>>>>>> "Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension
>>>>>> tool."
>>>> Is just not an easy to understand description of what Maven is.
>>>>>>> I would like to submit my short description for review.
>>>>>>> "Apache Maven is a convention-over-configuration build tool which has
>>>>>>> great dependency management features."
>>>>>>> I know that it does more than that - but I feel that at its core,
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> is what it really is.
>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> ---------
> --
> Ron Wheeler
> President
> Artifact Software Inc
> email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
> skype: ronaldmwheeler
> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102
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