Thank you Stephen. Are there any other ways to stabilize my dependencies 

i have > 300 poms all depending on the released+1 development version. 
This must be a common use-case when using RCs, no? you increase all your 
versions to your next RC-2-SNAPSHOT as soon as you create your RC-1, but 
if that RC-1 happens to be released, then all your poms will be depending 
on the SNAPSHOT of an RC-2 that will never be made so you have to 
"downgrade" your dependency versions

Am I doing something out of the ordinary here?

Alejandro Endo | Software Designer/Concepteur de logiciels

From:   Stephen Connolly <>
To:     Maven Users List <>, 
Date:   2014-01-20 12:34
Subject:        Re: versions maven plugin

v-m-p does not roll back version numbers

On 20 January 2014 16:59, <> wrote:

> Not sure if this is the right list for codehaus plugins. If not I
> apologize
> I have a pom with this
>         <dependencies>
>                 <dependency>
>                         <groupId>foo.blah</groupId>
>                         <artifactId>bar</artifactId>
>                         <version>1.2.0-RC-7-SNAPSHOT</version>
>                 </dependency>
>         </dependencies>
> I want to run the versions plugin to replace 1.2.0-RC-7-SNAPSHOT with 
> version we actually released of the code, which is 1.2.0-RC-6. Looking 
> the available mojos, it seems like versions:use-latest-releases is the
> right one to use. In the matrix here it says that this goal will modify
> -SNAPSHOT dependencies. Well, it doesn't. If i instead set the version 
> 1.2.0-RC-3 (no snapshot), the mojo does update the dependency to
> 1.2.0-RC-6 so I don't know if this is just the documentation being 
> I also tried use-latest-versions without success
> Any idea how to do this? I just want to change the dependencies (which 
> currently SNAPSHOT due to the m-release-p) to the latest released 
> Thank you,
> Alejandro Endo | Software Designer/Concepteur de logiciels
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