Am 2020-12-22 um 10:05 schrieb Volker Hochstein:

I m searching for correct syntax to pass a map Plugin property by mvn -D parameter…

Following Parameter Definition in plugin code:
@Parameter(property = "extendedVariables", required = false)
private Map extendedVariables;

I can specify it directly in POM:

However, I need to pass that information from "outside" and I cannot find correct syntax to call mvn CLI...
./mvn generate-resources -DextendedVariables=releaseTrain=20.11

Unable to parse configuration of mojo se.bjurr.gitchangelog:git-changelog-maven-plugin:1.63:git-changelog for parameter extendedVariables: Cannot assign configuration entry 'extendedVariables' with value '${extendedVariables}' of type java.lang.String to property of type java.util.Map

Would be great if you could give me a hint about correct syntax.

Thanks a lot for your support in advance.

As far as I remember my investigation some time ago this is done by some Plexus component.

We likely need an IT which verifies collectons and maps as CLI args first then go over to the implementation.

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