It works, I promise!   Are you using the latest released version of CC?
Maven support really only got there recently.  Also, run "maven
cruisecontrol" and inspect the generated config.xml file, you should
have something like that...

I regualry build all my projects config in CC using that goal...


-----Original Message-----
From: Guy Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:35 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Maven and CruiseControl results display

Brett Porter wrote:
> I don't know how CC does its thing here. It doesn't show in the build 
> results JSP, but it all appears in the email sent out. You can tweak 
> Maven's logging by giving it a custom log4j configuration, but really 
> CC should be doing something itself with stdout/stderr here, as it 
> does with the mail.

Are you using the <htmlemail> element instead of <email>?  I'll have to 
try that then.  Weird that the JSP wouldn't show it, seems like kind of 
a glaring defect.

> This works for me:
> <log>
>   <merge 
> />
> </log>
> Perhaps you need to double check your logDir in cruise control's 
> web.xml?

I dropped the trailing slash off my dir:

<log dir="logs/trunk">
       <merge dir="checkout/trunk/target/test-reports"/>

to see if that helps.  I'm running another build cycle right now.

Here is the I used when building cruisecontrol.war:

# This should be the full path to your CruiseControl log directory. # If
you are in multi-project mode, there will be multiple sub-dirs # inside
this log directory, one for each project.

# This should be the path to your current build status file,
# expressed relative to the project's log directory.

# This should be the absolute path to the directory where
# additional build artifacts are stored.

The comment talks about "multi-project" mode, but I'm not sure if I've 
got that enabled properly in CC.  I need it as each branch in Subversion

needs to be its own CC project apparently.

Thanks for your help.

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