Yes, the plugin contexts are not retained after a project stops
executing - that was the reason why older versions of Maven leaked a
lot more memory.

You will need to set it into the project's context at some point
during the build (you may find that particular value is actually

Try: ${reactorProject.context.getVariable('...')}, but if not you will
need to set it specifically.

- Brett

On 5/3/05, Jens Zastrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <maven:reactor ...>
> <j:forEach var="reactorProject" items="${reactorProjects}">
> <echo>${reactorProject.getPluginContext('jiac-aunit-plugin').getVariable
> ('aunit.output') }</echo>
> </j:forEach>
> The output should contain something like
> subproject-basedir/target/xxx.output, but it doesn't.
> It prints for all subprojects the dir parent/target/xxx.output which is
> printed out by:
> <echo>${pom.getPluginContext('jiac-aunit-plugin').getVariable('aunit.rep
> orts')}</echo>
> Thanks
> Jens Zastrow
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