I'm newish to maven, although I managed to get my project moved over.

However, we have some requirements that none of the "Powered by Maven"
projects I've managed to find seem to handle.

First, we're making a home-user sort of application.  Ideally, we want
os-native executables to be launching this app.  We can generate the
executables using ant tasks, for the most part, but I'm not sure how
to integrate this into our build.

Second, and as a consequence of that, we want to create cross-platform
installers that will perform a seamless installation of our
application, along with its dependencies.  To this end, we need some
way of toting all of our dependencies with us in the distribution jar
file, or something equivalent.

>From what I can see of the projects that are powered by Maven, none of
them seem to use this sort of setup, and documentation is somewhat
hard to come by.

Can anyone using Maven tell me how they got those two things together?

Chris R.
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