Martin Burger wrote:

> Hello,
> I tried to define an Eclipse project as dependency in the project.xml.
> But after calling "maven eclipse" maven tries to download a JAR
> instead of adding an entry to the .classpath file. I used the sample
> code at Did I
> misunderstand something? I thought thats the way to
> add a required project to the build path using maven.
> Regards,
>    Martin
The maven eclipse plugin just includes the artifacts from the maven
repository for you. It does not create dependencies between eclipse
projects (even though this would be desirable for SNAPSHOT
dependencies). AFAIK this can't be done with the current eclipse plugin,
because it does not know about the other projects in your eclipse
workspace and their locations in the filesystem.

Maybe Maven 2.0 can do that. I'm waiting for the first beta release
before I give it a try.


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