From: "Allison, Bob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The way I get this to work is to set "" to
"multiproject:site" in the sandbox project and to "site" in the
mid-level projects (newproj, otherproj).  Actually, I have a goal in the
sandbox project called "gendocs" which has "multiproject:site" as a
prerequisite but I don't think it is really necessary.

Thanks. :) It's good to know that it works for someone! I either get into endless loop, or it won't descend past sandbox. We have a complicated setup with svn externals and build files extending from one another, which I'm sure isn't helping.

If I just want to attain a goal for some *other* project.xml, how can I do that? The 'reactor' seems like overkill for this, but is that the right answer? I can't seem to find anything that says whether <attainGoal name="..."> has any other attributes. :/

Basically I want to, in the 'sandbox' build, directly call the 'multiproject:site' for newproj/project.xml and otherproj/project.xml.

Then I'll manually copy the files up if necessary. At this point I just need to get the content included.

Wendy Smoak

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