
FWIW, JTA is available on repo1 as part of Geronimo, so you should be able use geronimo-spec.geronimo-spec-jta instead, as proposed on mavenbook.org:

Depending on J2EE

BTW, I think the Geronimo POMs for version 1.0.1B-rc4 are hosed, just use 1.0.1B-rc3 instead.


On 09.09.2005, at 18:09, Yann Le Du wrote:
The SUN -and some other, like Oracle - JARs are not automatically downloaded :

For these JARs it is normal that the central repository contains only the POMs.

The situation is improving, though :
http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/brett/archives/ 001138_glassfish_sun_jars_may_soon_be_in_the_maven_repository.html

For now, just follow the log advice :)
Try downloading the file manually from
and install it using the command:
m2 install:install-file -DgroupId=jta -DartifactId=jta - Dversion=1.0.1b
-Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file


--- Ashley Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

Just checked the directory in the error message and can see the pom,
but no corresponding jar file. Has somebody deleted it by mistake? Is
this normal?

On 9 Sep 2005, at 16:56, Ashley Williams wrote:

Thought I'd give continuum a look but I'm having trouble building
it - getting the following error:

[INFO] Main Error:
  Unable to download the artifact from any repository

from the specified remote repositories:
  central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)
Path to dependency:
        1) org.apache.maven.continuum:continuum-model:jar:1.0-
        2) jpox:jpox-enhancer:jar:1.1.0-beta-4
        3) jpox:jpox:jar:1.1.0-beta-4
        4) jta:jta:jar:1.0.1b

Try downloading the file manually from
and install it using the command:
  m2 install:install-file -DgroupId=jta -DartifactId=jta -
Dversion=1.0.1b -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file


Before I start looking into the last paragraph, does anyone know if
there is a simple fix for this?? Assuming the continuum project is
automating its own build, presumably they don't have to perform
this manual intervention.


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