
In m2, the maven-source-plugin automatically installs/deploys the
source code to the repo when you install/deploy (assuming you stated
you want to in the pom.xml). Currently, there's a bug in m2 regarding
it, but basically it works. The sources are placed in the repo in the
same dir as the binaries jar, so the idea plugin in m2 should be able
to easily locate the sources for deps.

As for m1 - well, since I tried m2, I simply can't go back to m1 :)
feels to clunky for me...


On 10/3/05, Wim Deblauwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know they plan to do a simular thing for Maven2, but I have no idea of the
> state of the implementation of that. As I understood it, they would put the
> source and javadoc location in the pom of Maven2 projects.
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've tried the Maven Idea plugin and really like the idea (no pun) of
> > it, but I'd like a way to specify the location of source and javadocs
> > for dependencies.
> >
> > I have a possible solution. I first added a maven.src.root value to my
> > build.properties file. It points to c:\java, which is where I always
> > put my downloaded tools. I tweaked the module.jelly file in the Idea
> > plugin to expect an additional properties child element called src. The
> > script now combines this value with the maven.src.root to get the full
> > path and outputs a <SOURCE> element in the Idea module file. So the
> > file url is built like this:
> > file://${maven.src.root}/${dep.getProperty('src')}. The src value in
> > project.xml would be something like
> > commons-beanutils-1.7.0-src/src/java. I could simplify this somewhat by
> > changing the jelly script to this:
> > file://${maven.src.root}/${dep.artifactId}/${dep.version}/${dep.getPrope
> > rty('src')}. That would make the properties src value a little simpler
> > but it would require some renaming of src dirs in some cases. I could
> > do the same thing with javadocs. It would seem the Eclipse plugin
> > people could benefit from this also. What do you think?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > John Gregg
> > Application Systems Engineer
> > Wells Fargo Private Client Services Technology
> >
> >
> >

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