I am trying to build my first plugin and having a problem.

I wrote a plugin which I can run as
sample.plugin:maven-hello-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:sayhi and that works

I want to set things up so I can reference the goal as hello:sayhi but
can't seem to get it to work.  I added "sample.plugin" as a pluginGroup
in my settings.xml file.  When I run "m2 hello:sayhi", Maven tries to
check for updates from central then fails the build when it can't find
it on ibiblio even though it was installed into my local repository.

Am I missing something vital?

On another note, I am trying to use this experience to make a start at
the Plugin Development Guide.  You can see what I have so far at
http://sd.no-ip.biz/maven2pdg/.  I welcome any comments, suggestions,
and corrections.  Right now, it only covers making a plugin with a
single mojo that takes no parameters, but I wanted to start simple and
add complexities one at a time.  This said, the only part of the
document that has been started is the part under "Your First Plugin".

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