Just wondered whether anyone (or Jose) has any comments on the post below ?

I'm starting ask myself the smae question ?
[M2] Project structure and Eclipse
Jose Gonzalez Gomez
Thu, 13 Oct 2005 07:58:01 -0700

Hi there,

I know this has been discussed several times in the list, but I still
don't understand some issues. Summing up (correct me if I'm wrong)
from what I've read:

The recommended structure for a project with multiple modules is the following:


with even the possibility of having more than one level of
subprojects. Root or intermediate projects should have a packaging
type of pom and leaf and intermediate projects should declare a parent

My questions regarding this layout:

1. Maven doesn't seem to generate project files for pom projects, does
it? So I can open the leaf projects (and edit their POMs) using
Eclipse, but I cannot do the same (at least using the Import existing
projects feature of Eclipse) with POM only projects, so I cannot edit
those POMs inside Eclipse.

2. If I try to create those projects manually in Eclipse, even if I
create a Simple project, I get an error telling me that the project
I'm trying to create overlaps some other existing project (a leaf
project), so I'm neither lucky this way... is there any way to edit
those root and intermediate POMs that I'm missing?

3. All the examples I've seen so far include the version in all the
POMs. Is this needed, or can you still use the maven 1 style kind of
${project.version} in child POMs?

4. In the example provided at http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-743
they use a different groupId for every POM in the project. The groupId
contains the whole path until you reach the leaf project and this
turns into a tree structure in the repository, with one artifact per
directory. Is this the recommended way to do this?

In Maven 1 I use to have a flattened project structure, like this:


and maven generated Eclipse projects for every project.xml found, even
the one in the "root" folder, so I didn't have any of these problems.

Thanks in advance, best regards

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