Hi Brett,

I'm new to Maven 2 played a bit with Maven 1 but it's long time ago. So I don't understand your short answer.
What does it mean ...

*** This has been fixed in SVN (maven-project-info-reports) ***

Maybe I would ask less but the online documentation I think don't give enough for a novice. So a lot of links on getting-started site delivers an page not found site. So I tried on a command line "mvn maven-project-info-reports". The output of Maven says me some errors of invalid task and a help to use switch -e. If I use switch -e it says me that a goal have to be specified at least. I know when I worked with Maven 1 I had more good information online because after that long time I didn't worked with Maven and new version 2 I have to start at level 1 again and have no clue where to start.


This has been fixed in SVN (maven-project-info-reports).

- Brett

On 10/23/05, Rico (privat) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've got following error while I typed mvn site:

[INFO] Can't find bundle for base name project-info-report, locale de_DE
[INFO] Trace
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name
project-info-report, locale de_DE
       at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(ResourceBundle.java:773)
       at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundle.java:661)

How can I solve that error ?


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