2005/10/25, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 09:35 +0200, Jose Gonzalez Gomez wrote:
> > Brett,
> >
> > Do you mean docbook support in Doxia or are you talking about anything else?
> He meant find a general approach that works. If it can be done in Doxia
> that's great, otherwise you might need a separate tool.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong, as I have made some assumptions from
my little knowledge of the inner operations of Maven and Doxia...

I think the problem here is trying to match two completely different

1. In first place, we have Doxia that (I think) was created as a tool
to parse and generate documentation in several formats. I guess
(correct me if I'm wrong) that the original primary purpose of Doxia
was being able to integrate documentation written in several formats
in a Maven site. The problem with such an approach is that you have to
stablish a common group of elements that all those source formats must
share (the Sink interface in Doxia), so if you have a source format
richer than that, you're losing in the process.

2. In second place we have Docbook, a format that was created to write
technical documentation. The real power of Docbook (IMHO) is not the
format itself but the possibility of using almost WYSIWYG editors and
the style sheets available that let you generate documentation in a
lot of formats: HTML, XHTML, PDF, JavaHelp, Eclipse Help,... Here you
have just a source format you use to generate whatever you want, so
you don't have the need to limit your output, as you come from a known

I have the feeling that wahtever you do in Doxia regarding Docbook:
1. You are reinventing the wheel in some sense, as you already have
the Docbook stylesheets, and
2. You are losing a lot of the power and richness of Docbook

So I have the feeling that this is not the right approach... What I
would probably do is drop the docbook support in Doxia (or keep it
deliberately simple), as I see no reason to write a Maven site using
Docbook: APT or HTML/XHTML are much more adequate to do that.

Any way, I think a plugin for managing Docbook files is needed, as I
may want to generate project documentation in PDF format, JavaHelp
files, whatever that doesn't go directly into the Maven site... this
should be included in the build process of the project, as it's just
another deliverable, or artifact in the Maven vocabulary. And this
should be done using the Docbook stylesheets, as there is a lot of
effort put into them, and they're proved and reliable. Also I don't
think writing all this support into Doxia is neither sensible nor

What do you think about this?

Best regards

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