Darren Bell wrote:

Brian Bonner wrote:

Is there anyway to ensure that the M2_REPO variables that are included as part of the build path are also included in the WEBAPP Library variables that are used at runtime?

Under the package explorer, Web App Libraries build path is empty.

We've hit this problem as well. What we'd like to have is classpath variables for WTP web apps, like you can for normal java projects. This has been an issue for us as we'd like to not store libs in CVS, but have them liked in via the M2_REPO classpath variable.

Anyone know whether this will be added to a future WTP or eclipse?

From what I understand, it is already there:
Manually edit the .wtpmodule file and add

<dependent-module deploy-path="/WEB-INF/lib" handle="module:/classpath/var/M2_REPO/[groupId]/jars/[artifactId]-[version].jar"/>

for all maven dependencies.

I am pretty sure the m2 eclipse plugin can be patched to generate those lines for you.



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