Make sure you kick off mvn using java 5 - just check and change the value
of JAVA_HOME accordingly at the command line.

I don't believe you need to modify Java 5 settings any further from within
the pom from what you are saying here.


On 26 Oct 2005, at 12:56, Jean-Michel TOURNIE wrote:


I am using Maven 2.0 .
I can't compile my project using JDK 5.0, I have the following error:

generics are not supported in -source 1.3
(try -source 1.5 to enable generics)

I don't find how to specify my project using JDK 1.5, I try the
following commands:

mvn -DcompilerVersion=1.5

mvn -Dmaven.compile.source=1.5

Should I modify my pom.xml ?

Thanks for your help

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