
I see that the tomcat plugin has an execution phase 'package' defined.

I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but this causes all the steps
(compile, packaging, etcetera) to be repeated when goal 'tomcat:deploy' is
executed. Anyway, if I remove the line '@execute phase = "package"' from the
Deploy Mojo, these steps are not performed, and this is actually what I
would prefer.

Since, I normally first build the multiproject (mvn install), and then
possibly want to deploy the generated WAR file to Tomcat (mvn
tomcat:deploy). Since the packaging phase has already been performed during
the initial build, the tomcat:deploy goal should not perform this anymore
(especially if you pack libraries like Struts and Hibernate with it, result
in a WAR-file of 9 MB).

My questions are: 
* is it possible to detach a certain goal of a plug-in from the build
lifecycle through some sort of a setting in the pom (I only encountered
documentation how to attach goals, but not how to detach them)? 
* Or would it be a good idea to indeed remove the execution declaration from
the MOJO and let the users attach the goal to the lifecycle in the
plugin-section of the POM?


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