I'm currently finishing up a reorganization of our build process. I'm almost done. As far as transparency of build process, and how it works with maven, I love it. Works great. However, I'm not focusing on day to day development, and I'm not so sure how it will go.

The plan is to use eclipse. Our application is built into an ear with several ejb's and war's. Just doing a build works ok. However, lets say you were developing something. Change a jsp. Right now I'd have to rebuild the war, and then the ear. I have the webapps and ear in a multi-build, so I just run mvn install on all of them. I'm thinking there has to be a better way. Any thoughts?

Also, I sent an email last night about the jar build process, but I think it extends to wars, ears, etc. When I run 'mvn install' on a jar project, even if no java files change, it'll rebuild the jar. Is there any way to prevent that?

Thanks in advance,

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