Davis Ford wrote:

Thanks Brian,

I will check into dependency-maven-plugin.  In the meantime, I had
solved it.  This seems to be anti-Maven, b/c it uses an environment
variable, but it seems to work.  I added these two goals to maven.xml

<goal name="check-props">
                <j:if test="${context.getVariable('geoserver.home') == null}">
                        <j:if test="${context.getVariable('env.GEOSERVER_HOME') == 
                                <fail>Please set either env-var GEOSERVER_HOME 
or Maven var
                        <echo>Setting geoserver.home to 
                        <j:set var="geoserver.home" 
        <goal name="geoserver" prereqs="jar, check-props" description="Copy
the Diamond Jar to GeoServer">
                <echo>GeoServer Home is = ${geoserver.home}</echo>
                <ant:copy file="${maven.build.dir}/${maven.final.name}.jar"

You could also place the GEOSERVER_HOME variable in the project.properties file so you don't have to use context.getVariable(). This way, you just have to tell your developers to change the setting in their copy of the project.properties file.

- Henry

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