
we have exactly the same problem. There is already a Jira filed for this

A patch is attached to the jira, but I never tried it. Our current
workaround for legacy builds is to use 
 maven-artifact-ant-2.0-beta-3-dep.jar and to call the dependencies-task

<artifact:dependencies verbose="false">
    <pom refid="launcher.project"/>

<artifact:dependencies filesetId="as-launcher.filesetId"
pathId="as-launcher.classpath" verbose="true">
    <pom refid="launcher.project"/>

But using such an old maven-artifact-ant might introduce other problems as
well - works for us though...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Konstantin Polyzois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 10:25 AM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: [m2] problem with snapshots and Maven 2.0.2 Tasks for Ant
> We are trying out using ant/"m2 tasks for ant"  to assemble an legacy
> application.
> When using the "dependencies" task it will download the specified
> snapshot dependencies but they are not included in fileset when
> copying. It works nice if the snapshots were built on the same
> machine. Is it broken? Or am I :-)
> Is this the wrong forum?
> /Konstantin
> Here are some output when using snapshots built locally:
> dist-deps-cp:
> [dependencies] [INFO] snapshot
> se.posten.pse.weblogic:authprovider:1.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
> from central
>      [copy] Copying 14 files to 
> F:\build\config\copy-files\lib   <-- 14 files
>      [echo] libbar: (cut this section not relevant)
> se\posten\pse\weblogic\authprovider\1.0-SNAPSHOT\authprovider-1
> .0-SNAPSHOT.jar;se\posten\ta\ta\1.0\ta-1.0.jar
> and here when snapshot is not available on local machine but 
> downloaded:
> dist-deps-cp:
> [dependencies] [INFO] snapshot
> se.posten.pse.weblogic:authprovider:1.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
> from snapshots
> [dependencies] [INFO] snapshot
> se.posten.pse.weblogic:authprovider:1.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates
> from central
> [dependencies] Downloading:
> se/posten/pse/weblogic/authprovider/1.0-SNAPSHOT/authprovider-
> 1.0-20060126.163957-2.pom
> [dependencies] Transferring 1K
> [dependencies] Downloading:
> se/posten/pse/weblogic/authprovider/1.0-SNAPSHOT/authprovider-
> 1.0-20060126.163957-2.jar
> [dependencies] Transferring 23K
>      [copy] Copying 13 files to 
> F:\build\config\copy-files\lib  <-- 13 files
>      [echo] libbar: (cut this section not relevant)
> se\posten\ta\ta\1.0\ta-1.0.jar
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