What happens if you replace the </noduleVersion> by


Ashish Srivastava wrote:
   I created a remote repository for a bunch of jars
we use in our application. The way I did is manually
created the library.pom as :


When I compile the project I get the following warning
messages (for each such library) but the application
gets compiled and packaged.:
[WARNING] POM for 'libName:...' is invalid. It will be
ignored for artifact resolution. Reason: Not a valid
v4.0.0 POM.

Looks like as if the format of the pom is wrong. How
can I get a jar (not built by us) and deploy it
properly in a remote repository which we created? I
searched through the maven.apache.org and didn't find
any document on how to create a remote repository sp.
with our own set of jars. Help is appreciated.


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