I have been trying to find a way to get Maven to produce a jar artifact
that includes (some of) its dependent artifacts, without much luck. I
have seen a few ways that promise this, but none panned out in the ways
that we need. If anyone can suggest a way to do this, I'd be much
obliged. I included my POM and assembly files below.
I did get this to work somewhat using assembly descriptors, but I also
need the manifest to have certain project-specific values which get
inserted using the standard jar plugin under <manifestEntries>. They
don't get inserted into the *-jar-with-dependencies that the assembly
plugin produces.
There's also talk about the Classworld's Uberjar plugin, but I cannot
figure out how to invoke it. The artifact id is not found to download,
and I don't know to configure it, despite all the documentation on it.
It might be specific to Maven 1.x, I am using Maven 2.0.2.
Thanks to all in advance,
-Dov Wasserman

Project POM:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0";
    <name>My Special Web Component</name>
     <!-- this is the jar I want included in this project's jar file -->
                            <!-- anything entries here are ignored -->

Assembly descriptor:


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