I finally got the report working.  It turns out that it has to do with
the forkMode defined in the maven-surefire-plugin configuration.  If I
have it set to 'never', I get the problem I was seeing earlier.  If I
set it back to 'once', the report generates correctly.


On 6/9/06 Doug Douglass wrote:


We've had cobertura reporting working for quite some time. My pom is very
similar except we don't have the phase element.

Note that we're still using version 2.0-SNAPSHOT. Maybe that's a clue?


On 6/9/06, David Hay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        I've been trying to get the cobertura plugin running on our project, but
        I'm having the same problems Daun DeFrance was having (March 28:
        Continued Cobertura Plugin Issues).  That is, if I run the "site" goal
        after the "clean" goal, I end up with a report that shows 0% test
        coverage for every class.  If I run the site again (without running
        "clean" again) then I get the coverage information that I would expect.
        My pluginManagement section contains this:
        In the "build" section I have this:
        And my reporting section looks like this:
        Any suggestions on what might be going on?  Is this a known issue with
        the cobertura-maven-plugin?  Or do I have something misconfigured?

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