I fixed this by forcing the assembly 2.0.1 version in the plugin
management section of my projects. The only thing that isn't solved by
that is that the assembly id is appended to the filename.


On 6/30/06, Edwin Punzalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The only difference between assembly:assembly and assembly:attached is
the object that they are working on.  The goal assembly:assembly uses
${executedProject} while assembly:attached uses ${project}.

So if assembly:attached works for you, then I suggest you use it.

Martijn Dashorst wrote:
> All,
> We have an examples project which has an artifact type of 'war'. The
> dependencies for the war are correct and for instance servlet api has
> scope 'provided'.
> The provided jars don't show up in the WAR file, which is what I want.
> Now the catch: I want to create a combined src/binary ZIP distribution
> using the assembly plugin that includes *ALL* dependencies such that
> people can import the zip file as a complete eclipse, intellij Idea or
> netbeans project without having to install maven, and download all
> dependencies.
> However, what ever I specify in my assembly descriptor, only compile
> time dependencies end up in the final zip.
> Is there any way to get this fixed? Can I override the dependency
> resolver such that the assembly ignores everything the war type tells
> it about dependencies?
> mvn clean site package assembly:attached
> seems to work. But I think the following should result in the same
> packaging:
> mvn clean site assembly:assembly
> Any comments?
> Martijn

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