Maven 2 have support for Maven 1 Repositories (use legacy layout when specifying the m1 repo)

But a Maven 2 repository is expected to have only Maven 2 poms. So an m2 repo with an m1 pom is not valid and maven will report this but however, will not fail the build.

To report such occurrences, please see:

Colin Sampaleanu wrote:
Inside the Maven2 repo, this pom for SLF4J 1.0 appears to be in Maven2 format:
but this one for SLF4J 1.0.1 appears to be in Maven1 format:

I'm trying to figure out if Maven2 is still capable of using the Maven1 format (I presume not, it's not legal according to the XSD), or if somebody messed up and just checked in a Maven1 format POM in the Maven 2 repo.


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