Sorry for the repost, but is there anyone out there that knows anything
about this error?  


-----Original Message-----
From: Yankus, Jason 
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:24 AM
Subject: Error deploying artifact: Did receive proper ACK: '1'

Maven v2.0.4, JDK 1.5 on Windows XP.  I'm trying to integrate an
existing ant build with our maven repository.  I've enabled the maven
tasks for ant, and am using maven-artifact-ant-2.0.4-dep.jar.  

My configuration looks like:

<target name="deployJar" description="Deploy a jar to the maven repo">
   <artifact:install-provider artifactId="wagon-ssh"
   <artifact:deploy file="${deployable.jar.file}">
      <remoteRepository url="scp://webdev1/var/proximity/repo/inhouse">

         <authentication username="${deployment.username}"  
      <pom file="${pom.xml.file}"/>

The pom file looks like:

<project xmlns="";
     External interfaces used by the document management system

The deployment user name and password have been confirmed to be correct.
The remote repository location is correct.  This configuration has
worked on other projects for other developers in the group, however, I
am receiving the following error for all attempts to deploy.

[artifact:deploy] Error deploying artifact
'gov.usitc:edis3-dm-interfaces:jar':  Error deploying artifact: Did
receive proper ACK: '1'

Any ideas?  I feel like this is environmental, but I can't identify
what's tripping me up.



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