Hi EJ,

I encountered the same problem with plugins hosted on an internal repository
recently and resolved it using the ant script suggested at this page:




On 7/13/06, Tamás Cservenák <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just to make myself clear:

I think you need INHOUSE repository. It is (in my definition) a remote
repository (from the aspect of developer) but housed and server on your
company intranet in a controlled manner.

Proximity is highly configurable, actually it only offers some
buildingblocks (repository, remotePeer, localStorage, etc) and one
"proposal" for a common user.

If you look at configuration reference (yes, i know, it's uncomplete) here

it shows actually a "factory default" configuration.

rules are simple:

One proximity bean - MANDATORY, the Proximity Application itself, it can
have 0..n defined repositories
0..n beans for repositories - the repositories that represents "logical"
reposes. Repos have two MAIN props: a localStorage and remotePeer.

There are two kinf of local storages: readOnlyLocalStorage and

IF repos have no remote peer, it will act as a "inhouse"/end-point/(like
ibiblio central) repository (will have no ability to "reach out" somewhere
to pick somthing up)
IF repos have no localStorage, it have no locally stored artifacts.

Possible combinations with Proximity:

RP = remote peer
LS = local storage, ROLS = read only local storage, WRLS = writeable local

               Have RP                        Does not have RP

No LS           non-caching proxy              possible but nonsense
                                                have 0 content

ROLS            non-caching proxy              inhouse repository
                 with local static content      with local static content
                 you may intentionally spoof
                 this way!

WRLS            real caching proxy             inhouse repository
                                                but write will be never be
                                                used on WRLS

And remember, all combination is possible, but not all of them makes
And Proximity will behave as it is "wired" up, as written in this table.
nothing more than an edit of XML and restart!

And you can have 0..m repositories, the proximity bean just "aggregates"
these repositories.

A RC2 will contain a new "feature" called repository relocation. Using
feature, you will be able to give prefixes to repositories, thus eg.
Maven1 and Maven2 repository using single instance of Proximity.

For example:
Current, RC1 Proximity serves repository here (default deployment on
on localhost):


so you have to direct Maven1 or Maven2 (Proximity does not makes
and serves both well!) to use that URL as remote repository (using mirror
settings.xml for M2). And all defined repositories are "aggregated" on

But with relocation, you will be able to define caching-proxy repository
central and codehaus on prefix /maven2 and one caching-proxy repos for
http://www.ibiblio.org/maven with prefix /maven1.

So, you will have to instruct Maven1 to use


and Maven2 to use


URLs.... and one instance of Proximity :)

Have fun!

On 7/13/06, EJ Ciramella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We don't find proximity an acceptable solution.
> Our security department frowns on anything that just grabs anything over
> the internet like this.
> Their fear is someone could spoof a url (happens) and people would
> download malicious code.
> Anyone else?

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