
I just started to migrate from ant to maven. I had
high hopes, so far I got only frustrations. :) I hope
you guys can help me. I tried to look through
documentation but it is not as complete as I would
need it.

My current problems:


I am trying to run an ant task from my old build file.
I added this to the pom:

                  <ant dir="./"
                  <antcall target="dist.services"/>
                  <echo message="Running my ant"/>

However when I run mvn clean compile I get an error
saying build.xml is not found. My file is
build-commons.xml and that is what I am including.
What am I missing?

I would like to have a jar created at the end in my
war application. Couldn't find any info if I can do
that without creating an extra maven project for the
src. Is it possible? If yes, how?

I understand I can add goals to a build phase, but can
I overwrite the default (like: compile time to just
run my ant file instead of compiling sources, too).


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