If you have a structure like this:


... you would have to make sure that you hide/delete/rename the .project file in both the root and module2 directories for the submodule2-1 project to show up on the import. When Eclipse finds a .project file at a node in the file tree, all projects from the subtree rooted at that node are hidden, because Eclipse does not support hierarchical project structures.

IMO, moving your parent pom to a subdir is a better compromise than having all of your files show up two or more times in Eclipse. I would use the technique outlined in this thread ONLY in cases where you could not move the parent pom to a subdirectory.


Valerio Schiavoni wrote:

baerrach wrote:
Because there is no .project file eclipse will show all the
subprojects as being available.

i don't get this step working...it doesn't show submodule projects as being
availble, even if each of them have their respective .project and .classpath

any one with my same issue ?


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