The option I can see that seems to relate to my issue is the
"generateApplicationXml" ,
which one can set to true, to turn off generation of the
application.xml.Butthen how do
I tell the plugin where the pre-existing application.xml file is
looking for something
similar to Maven1's maven.ear.appxml=<path-to-existing-application

The first parameter in there seems to answer this question...

On 8/31/06, Jeff Mutonho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 8/31/06, Alexandre Touret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> Jeff Mutonho wrote:
> > Q1) How do I specify a pre-existing application.xml to the
> > maven-ear-plugin  ?
> Look at the official documentation of the ear plugin. It seems to have
> one property to set during the ear:generate-application.xml execution
> >

The option I can see that seems to relate to my issue is the
"generateApplicationXml" ,
which one can set to true, to turn off generation of the
application.xml.Butthen how do
I tell the plugin where the pre-existing application.xml file is
looking for something
similar to Maven1's maven.ear.appxml=

> If I have understood, I suppose you ll find the solution in the howto

You're right, this can be done by customizing the name of the file being
added to the ear file.

Kind regards

Jeff  Mutonho

GoogleTalk : ejbengine
Skype        : ejbengine
Registered Linux user number 366042

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